More Money. Less Time. Any Questions?

The Ten-Step Turnaround™

The goal of The Ten-Step Turnaround™ coaching program is to help you transform your business to a highly profitable business that requires less of your time.

We begin with an all-day launch meeting where we help you set ambitious long-term goals for your business. We provide you with a snapshot of where you are today, including how much your business is worth and how it compares to your competitors.

We then schedule regular accountability meetings, where we hold you accountable to your goals and apply the Ten Steps to your business.

Requirements to Join

We are very selective about who we accept into The Ten-Step Turnaround™ coaching program. Please fill out the form below to begin the application process.

At a minimum, business owners must:

  1. Have at least $500K in gross revenue
  2. Have at least two employees other than the owners
  3. Have books that are reconciled monthly
  4. Be in a service-based industry
  5. Be growth-minded and ambitious

The Ten Steps

  1. Determine Your Why: Most business owners don’t even know why they are in business. What’s the end goal? We help business owners design the business of their dreams by setting three long-term goals for their business: a profit goal, a wealth goal, and an exit goal.
  2. Make a Roadmap: Some business owners have set ambitious goals, like making seven figures, only to fall short because of a lack of accountability and a failure to plan. We help business owners create a year-by-year roadmap to achieve their long-term goals.
  3. Focus on the Core: Without a clear mission and vision statement, your team will lack clarity on the direction and purpose of the business. Without a carefully developed menu of products and services, your business will be a slave to the whims of your customers, providing any service they demand on their timetable and their terms.
  4. Create Accountability: Does your team function well even when you’re not there? Businesses need systems and procedures that foster accountability and achievement even if the owner is out of the office.
  5. Price for Profit: There are few things that can increase profits faster than an appropriate pricing strategy; however, business owners rarely give much thought to this aspect of their business. We help you identify a profitable pricing strategy and simplify the way your customers pay you.
  6. Target Your Marketing: Only very large businesses should market for general name recognition. Small businesses need to be highly focused in their marketing efforts, so their message is heard frequently by their most ideal prospects. Be a big fish in a small pond.
  7. Eliminate Lose-Wins: Every business relationship with vendors, employees, and customers should be a “win-win.” So many business owners try to please everyone and hence have many relationships that are a “lose-win” (i.e. the business owner loses, and the customer, employee or vendor wins). Though it may be challenging, if a relationship isn’t a win-win, it should come to an end.
  8. Hire Strategically: Many studies on successful businesses point to the same thing: they hire well. Hiring is more important than training. If you get the right people in your business, so many other problems magically go away. To hire well, you must be intentional. You must have a written plan on how you will attract the right team members.
  9. Redefine Your Role: Let’s be honest. You didn’t start a business just so you could do the work of an employee in that business. There are specific roles that only you can fulfill, as the entrepreneur and leader. You should focus on these and carefully delegate your technical work to others.
  10. Simplify and Scale: Many business owners believe that to grow, they must add more products, services, locations, costs and complexity. Many of the world’s most profitable businesses have simple business models. The simpler the business model, the more scalable, repeatable and profitable.

Interested in joining The Ten-Step Turnaround™ coaching program? Please fill out the form below to get started.